Cheryl B. Anderson on Law in the OT

Dr. Cheryl B. Anderson is Professor of Old Testament at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. In this video she offers a helpful discussion on law in the Old Testament. A good resource for students.

Mignon Jacobs on Biblical Narratives of Migration

Dr. Mignon Jacobs is associate professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, as well as associate provost for accreditation and educational effectiveness and accreditation liaison officer. She speaks on the topic of migration and the Old Testament in response to a lecture by Dr. Daniel Carroll Rodas on  “People on the Move: Biblical Narratives of Migration and Their Echos Today.” She is introduced and begins speaking at the 11 minute mark.

Book Spotlight: The Enemy in the Household

This post highlights Caryn A. Reeder’s study The Enemy in the Household: Family Violence in Deuteronomy and Beyond, a revision of her dissertation at the University of Cambridge. Reeder is Associate Professor of New Testament at Westmont College.

The Enemy in the Household centers on three primary texts in Deuteronomy:

  • 13:6-11 (the call for execution of family members or friends who succumb to idolatry and seek to persuade others to follow.)
  • 21:18-21 (death penalty for the stubborn and rebellious son)
  • 22:13-21 (execution of the unchaste daughter)

Reeder notes the discomfort modern readers have with Israelite law codes calling for the death penalty of family members. Yet she resists a hermeneutic of suspicion. While affirming the value such an approach can have (e.g. taking seriously abuses of power), she believes a hermeneutic of suspicion too often leads to rejection of the text. Reeder prefers reading sympathetically rather than antagonistically. At the same time, she still keeps her eye on descriptions of inequalities or injustices.

The book covers four primary periods comprising the selected texts and their reception history:

  • Understanding Constructive Family Violence in Deuteronomy
  • Constructive Family Violence in Hellenistic Palestine
  • Enmity and Treason according to Philo, Josephus, and the Rabbis
  • Constructive Family Violence and the Early Church

“Constructive violence” is the “use of violent acts to punish covenantal transgressions in Deuteronomy” (8). Constructive violence acknowledges the intended injury, but also recognizes the injury is motivated by “the need to protect communal identity from threats” (8). Reeder proposes that the term “constructive violence” also holds together discordant value judgments: respect for the laws in Deuteronomy and a respect for the discomfort readers have with them.

In her exegesis of the three selected texts, Reeder observes the importance of family for maintaining and passing on the covenant. The children inherit the covenant, the very means of communal identity. The execution of family members should be understood within this communal concept. The covenant only persists through family inheritance. Thus, the laws are meant to be protective. Reeder also notes the text provides balance in such details as first presuming the accused daughter’s innocence, as well as legal protections for a son against patriarchal abuse. Following her exegesis in Deuteronomy she examines themes in Sirach, 1 Maccabees, Jubilees, Philo, Josephus, the early Rabbis, and the New Testament. Reeder argues that later commentary on family violence is increasingly uncomfortable with the concept. Here modern readers can find common ground with ancient writers. However, the idea of family execution is not eliminated entirely. Preservation of communal identity remains important. The self is subordinated to the needs of the community.

 Baker Publishing provided a copy of this book to Women Biblical Scholars upon request in exchange for a review (with no strings attached for a positive one). Women Biblical Scholars welcomes collaboration with publishers to help get the word out about relevant books by female scholars.

Gale Yee on Poverty in Ancient Israel and Today

Dr. Gale Yee is Nancy W. King Professor of Biblical Studies at Episcopal Divinity School. Recently, she delivered the 2015 Runcie Lecture at the Graduate Theological Foundation. The lecture is entitled, “From the Bottom Up: Poverty and Inequality in Ancient Israel and Today.”

Nyasha Junior on Micah 3

Dr. Nyasha Junior is Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the Howard University School of Divinity.

New Book and Talks on Deuteronomistic Portrayal of Kings By Alison L. Joseph

This fall Dr. Alison L. Joseph will discuss her research published in Portrait of the Kings: The Davidic Prototype in Deuteronomistic Poetics. On September 17, 2015 she will be at Falvey Library at Villanova University in Pennsylvania and on October 15, 2015 she will be at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) Library in New York. A description of the book reads:

Much of the scholarship on the book of Kings has focused on questions of the historicity of the events described. Alison L. Joseph turns her attention instead to the literary characterization of Israel’s kings. By examining the narrative techniques used in the Deuteronomistic History to portray Israel’s kings, Joseph shows that the Deuteronomist in the days of the Josianic Reform constructed David as a model of adherence to the covenant, and Jeroboam, conversely, as the ideal opposite of David. The redactor further characterized other kings along one or the other of these two models. The resulting narrative functions didactically, as if instructing kings and the people of Judah regarding the consequences of disobedience. Attention to characterization through prototype also allows Joseph to identify differences between pre-exilic and exilic redactions in the Deuteronomistic History, bolstering and also revising the view advanced by Frank Moore Cross. The result is a deepened understanding of the worldview and theology of the Deuteronomistic historians.

Dr. Joseph earned her Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from the University of California, Berkeley. She is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at Haverford College.