Meet Amy Peeler
Dr. Amy L. Peeler is Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College (IL). She earned her MDiv and PhD in Biblical Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary. Peeler is also Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, Illinois. (Read more)
Meet the Scholars

Interview: Amy Peeler
Dr. Amy L. Peeler is Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College (IL). She earned her MDiv and PhD in Biblical Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary. Peeler is also Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, Illinois. Follow Dr. Peeler on Twitter @albpeeler. How did you decide to become a biblical scholar? […]

Interview: Holly Hearon
Dr. Holly Hearon is T.J. and Virginia Liggett Professor of Christian Traditions and Professor of New Testament, Emerita, at Christian Theological Seminary (1999-2014). She holds a DMin from Union Presbyterian Seminary and a PhD in New Testament from Graduate Theological Union. How did you decide to become a biblical scholar? Share your autobiographical journey. I […]

Interview: Vanessa Lovelace
The Rev. Dr. Vanessa Lovelace is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her BA in radio & television from San Francisco State University, MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, and PhD in Hebrew Bible from Chicago Theological Seminary. Vanessa can be found on Twitter @womanisthbprof. […]

Remembering Dr. Sharon Zuckerman
Before her untimely death at only 49 years old, Dr. Sharon Zuckerman co-directed excavations at Tel Hazor in Israel. This city features prominently in the debate on the Israelite conquest. Archaeologists have noted that many destruction remains throughout Israel do not match the data of the biblical story. Most scholars now believe the biblical account […]