Today’s scholars are added to this index as they are interviewed or profiled for this site (see Interview Submission page). A biblical scholar includes not only those specializing in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, but also those in fields that advance the knowledge of the scriptures (e.g. archaeology, reception history, hermeneutics, or the ancient cultural contexts of the biblical texts).
Note: This list is not comprehensive. For additional lists of scholars see Logia’s list and Women Also Know History. The list below is meant to spotlight scholars with in-depth interviews. If you or someone you know should be interviewed, see the Interview Submission page. See also the Book Spotlight page.
Baynes, Leslie (New Testament; Second Temple Judaism)
Brown, Jeannine K. (New Testament)
Cohick, Lynn (New Testament and Christian Origins)
Coleman, Rachel (New Testament)
Firth, Jill (Old Testament)
Gafney, Wil (Hebrew Bible)
Garroway, Kristine (Hebrew Bible; archaeology)
Guerrero, Corinna (Biblical Studies)
Hunt, Laura J. (New Testament)
Imes, Carmen (Old Testament)
Jobes, Karen H. (New Testament Greek and Exegesis)
Junior, Nyasha (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament)
Keen, Karen R. (Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity; Old Testament emphasis)
Koenig, Sara M. (Biblical Studies)
Kovalishyn, Mariam J. Kamell (New Testament)
Lee, Lydia (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
Lemos, Tracy M. (Hebrew Bible/Ancient Israelite/Jewish history)
Leung Lai, Barbara M. (Old Testament)
Lovelace, Vanessa (Hebrew Bible)
Nasrallah, Laura S. (New Testament and Early Christianity)
Palmer, Carmen (Hebrew Bible; Dead Sea Scrolls)
Parker, Cyndi (Geography of Biblical Israel/Biblical Studies)
Peeler, Amy (New Testament)
Reeder, Caryn A. (New Testament)
Reese, Ruth Anne (New Testament)
Shafer-Elliott, Cynthia (Hebrew Bible; archaeology)
Shively, Elizabeth E. (New Testament)
Smith, Mitzi J. (New Testament and Early Christian Studies)
Stovell, Beth M. (Old Testament)
Warren, Meredith J. C. (Biblical and Religious Studies)
Wendel, Susan (New Testament)
Wilson, Brittany E. (New Testament)
Wolff, Celia (Christian Scripture and Ethics)
Wray Beal, Lissa M. (Old Testament)
Young, Abigail Ann (History of Biblical Exegesis; Medieval period)